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金椰官方推荐剧情长片《诺拉与母亲》 DAU Nora Mother 导演 Director:伊利亚·赫尔扎诺夫斯基 Ilya Khrzhanovskiy、叶卡捷琳娜·厄特尔 Jekaterina Oertel主演 Cast:Lydia Shchegoleva, Radmila Schegoleva, Theodor Currentzis剧情简介:诺拉的婚姻令她的生活发生了巨大的转变:从边远省份来到国家首都莫斯科,和她的知名科学家丈夫一起,居住在一个条件优越的秘密机构。诺拉的母亲自她婚后第一次来看望她,这不仅是一次母亲对女儿的平常问候,也是对她生活的全面观察与无痕压迫——诺拉和丈夫之间似乎出现了问题,而家庭矛盾的背后是更深层的割裂与叹息。封闭的场景困住了角色,模糊了现实与戏剧的边界,诺拉的“平行人生”在小小的一方天地里看似按部就班地上演。Once just a girl from the provinces, Nora is now married to a successful scientist and lives together with her family within the confines of a secret and privileged Moscow institute. Nora is visited by her mother for the first time since her wedding. Her mother closely observes the atmosphere within the couple's home, trying to work out whether her daughter is happy. During the course of their intimate conversations the complexity of their contradictory relationship is revealed.《末世遗言》 Last Words 导演 Director:乔纳森·诺西特 Jonathan Nossiter、玛丽-卡斯迪耶·芒颂-沙尔 Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar主演 Cast:Valeria Golino, Nick Nolte, Charlotte Rampling, Alba Rohrwacher, Stellan Skarsgård剧情简介:2085年,地球已经成为废土,仅有的幸存者也都染上了不治之症。乔,一个还未成年的小伙、世界上最后一名电影人,和另一位迷影收藏家爷爷莎士比亚,带着手持摄像机和一众电影珍藏前往最后的圣地雅典,记录下人类文明弥留之际的狂欢与崩塌。影片虽以主人公第一视角徐徐展开,但自然平和的语调赋予了观看者以独立视角静观思考的机会。不仅背景设定与当下社会产生互文,多元的跨国阵容更为影片平添普世的宿命感,让文本中的遗言具有现实醒世的意义。迷影元素遍布全片,属于电影的惊喜静待观众发掘。2085. No more electricity or machines on Earth. The planet is a vast desert. Crops no longer grow; children have not been born for the last ten years. For the last survivors who have the strength to hear it, a mysterious "Call" rings out: to meet up in Athens. Jo, our narrator, a 17-year old boy of African origin, will become the last moviemaker, the last witness of the last men on earth. Across the abandoned roads of Europe leading to Athens, Jo carries with him an enigmatic treasure: multiple reels of film, all bearing the inscription "Cineteca di Bologna".《恋曲1980》 Love Song 1980导演 Director:梅峰 Feng Mei主演 Cast:李现 Xian Li, 春夏 Chunxia, 麦子 Maizi剧情简介:八十年代初的北京,正文和正武是一对青春恣肆的好兄弟,正文认识了正武的朋友毛榛,这个可爱性情的女孩给他留下了深刻印象。而后,正武在野泳中意外溺亡,正文担负巨大痛苦开始了他的大学生活。在那里他再次遇见毛榛,并结识了热烈拥抱爱情的社会女青年谭力力,毛榛的若即若离让正文困惑,而谭力力的深爱也让正文彷徨失措。在80年代社会激越变化的洪流中,他们将何去何从……Set in Beijing during the early 1980s, Zhengwu and Zhengwen are brothers in their twenties, living their most vibrant and youthful years. Zhengwu introduces Zhen Mao and her best friend to Zhengwen. Zhengwen becomes enamored of Zhen, an amicable, outgoing, and mystic young woman. Zhengwu accidentally drowns in a lake and dies. Anguished from this loss, Zhengwen enters university, and catches up with Zhen. During the four years, Zhengwen meets Lili Tan who embraces love and life. Upon graduation, Zhengwen ventures to the desolate Inner Mongolia, his mother’s hometown, to experience another side of life...《细若蚊蚋》 Mosquito导演 Director:若昂·努诺·平托 João Nuno Pinto主演 Cast:João Nunes Monteiro, João Lagarto, Filipe Duarte, Sebastian Jehkul, Miguel Borges, António Nipita, Josefina Massango剧情简介:1917年第一次世界大战,一名梦想在法国前线为祖国葡萄牙奋力一搏的年轻士兵,不料被派去莫桑比克作战。然而在这趟神秘未知的旅途中,他逐渐被荒野吞噬,走进虚无的迷途与困顿之中,经历一幕幕交织的无穷噩梦。改编自导演若昂·努诺·平托祖父的真实经历,以非线性叙事将战时伤痛铺陈开来,大量自然光线的全景画幅展现非洲草原的广袤与人类的渺小,由此引发思考,幅员辽阔的土地上,战争所毁灭的,仅仅是人性吗?Dreaming of great adventures and of standing up for his homeland, a young Portuguese man enlists in the army during World War I and is sent to the front line in Mozambique, Africa. Left behind by his platoon, he sets out on a grueling trek across the mystic Makua native land, walking for over a thousand kilometers, in search of his dream.《蝶舞纳迪亚》Nadia, Butterfly. 导演 Director:帕斯卡尔·普朗特 Pascal Plante主演 Cast:凯特琳·萨瓦尔 Katerine Savard, 阿丽亚娜·曼维尔Ariane Mainville, 皮埃尔-伊夫·卡迪纳尔 Pierre-Yves Cardinal剧情简介:为了逃离身为职业运动员的刻板生活,仍处于事业黄金期的蝶泳运动员纳迪亚决定在奥运会之后退役。在完成最后一场比赛后,她迎来了一个自我怀疑的夜晚。再多的荣耀、酒精和陪伴都不能解答她内心的疑问:在运动生涯之外的世界,她如何寻找到自我的存在和定位?《蝶舞纳迪亚》是加拿大魁北克导演帕斯卡尔·普朗特的最新作品。该影片运用极有感染力的视听语言,将奥运比赛的紧张氛围和赛后的松弛茫然交接在一起,展现了花信年华的运动员们的多面生活。影片中的女队员们在现实中也都是蝶泳运动员,她们的本色出演更为影片增添了光彩。While young and in her prime, Nadia decides to retire from professional swimming after the Olympic Games; to escape a rigid life of sacrifice. After her very last race, Nadia drifts into nights of excess punctuated by episodes of self-doubt. But even this transitional numbness cannot conceal her true inner quest: defining her identity outside the world of elite sports.《一个父亲的寻子之路》 Otac 导演 Director:斯尔丹·戈卢博维奇 Srdan Golubović主演 Cast:Goran Bogdan, Boris Isaković, Nada Šargin剧情简介:来自小村庄的穷苦工人尼古拉由于生活困窘,被迫放弃了一对子女的监护权。与此同时,他还要照顾不堪生活重负而自残入院的妻子。只有当全家的生活条件得到改善,他的孩子们才被允许从政府监护中心回到已经残缺的家中团圆。多次争取无果后,当地政府的推诿与腐败让尼古拉极度失望,于是他决定独自徒步300公里前往首都,向国家表达他卑微而坚定的诉求。导演戈卢博维奇再一次用平和而入木三分的笔触,描绘了看似平滑的社会表面下未愈的疤痕,让叙事回归真实。A small town in Serbia. Nikola, day laborer and father of two, is ordered to give up his children to social services after poverty and hunger drive his wife to commit a desperate act. Until he can provide adequate conditions for their upbringing, the children will be placed in foster care. Despite Nikola's best efforts and several appeals, the head of the social services centre refuses to return his children and his situation seems hopeless. But when Nikola discovers the local administration may be corrupt, he decides to travel across Serbia on foot and take his case directly to the national ministry in Belgrade. Against all odds and driven by love and despair, this father refuses to give up on justice and his right to raise his children.《冲动》 Surge 导演 Director:阿奈尔·卡里亚 Aneil Karia主演 Cast:Ben Whishaw, Ellie Haddington, Jasmine Jobson, Ian Gelder剧情简介:约瑟夫是一名机场安检员,生活看似平淡无奇,然而,日常的工作枯燥乏味,安检传送带也持续输送着来自乘客和同事的疏离与不安。在一次不愉快的家庭聚会后,一个新的不羁的灵魂开始侵蚀原来的他,新的约瑟夫行事不计后果,时刻处在情感爆发、自我毁灭的边缘。这不仅是主人公一场拼命挣扎的自我发现,也是社会中形形色色普通人的生活写照。影片以手持摄影的形式拍摄,富于压迫感的镜头使人轻易代入人物混乱的内心。本·卫肖的表演极具冲击力。Joseph is trapped in a soulless job, living a life devoid of emotion and meaning. After an impulsive act of rebellion, Joseph unleashes a wilder version of himself. He is propelled on a bold and reckless journey through London, ultimately experiencing what it feels like to be alive. Ben Whishaw stars in Aneil Karia’s blistering directorial debut. 《林中绮谭》 Tragic Jungle 导演 Director:尤琳·奥莱索拉 Yulene Olaizola主演 Cast:Indira Andrewin, Gilberto Barraraza, Mariano Tun Xool, Lázaro Gabino Rodríguez, Eligio Meléndez剧情简介:1920年,墨西哥和伯利兹的边界,逃婚的伯利兹女孩闯入了一群墨西哥劳工的领域。神秘女子的到来唤醒了劳工们心中的幻想与欲望,也让他们陷入了危险困境。墨西哥新晋女导演尤琳·奥莱索拉巧妙地为殖民题材裹上性别对立和神秘主义的外衣,带领观众走进中美洲野性而原始的丛林。1920, on the border between Mexico and Belize. Deep in the Mayan jungle, a lawless territory where myths abound, a group of Mexican gum workers crosses paths with Agnes, a beautiful and mysterious young Belizean woman. Her presence incites tension among the men, arousing their fantasies and desires. Filled with new vigour, they face their destiny, not knowing that they have woken up Xtabay, a legendary being that lurks in the heart of the jungle.《晨曦将至》 True Mothers 导演 Director:河濑直美 Naomi Kawase主演 Cast:永作博美 Hiromi Nagasaku, 井浦新 Arata Iura, 莳田彩珠 Aju Makita剧情简介:患有不育症的栗原夫妇通过领养制度迎来了他们可爱的儿子栗原朝斗,然而 6 年的幸福生活顷刻被打乱——一位困窘落魄的年轻女性突然造访,并坚称自己才是孩子的亲生母亲,然而比起孩子,她似乎更想得到金钱上的补偿 ... 日本著名导演河濑直美的新作关照女性、生育、领养等社会议题,以充满戏剧性和冲击力的笔触再次探讨“母亲”这一身份,以多样的叙事风格为观众提供真切又复杂的情感体验。A Tokyo couple undergoing treatment for aspermia and their consequent infertility live a settled, ordinary life. They realize adoption could be a perfect alternative to their painful and frustrating treatment. Therefore Asato, an innocent child born of pure adolescent love — the kind of love made of sheer, intense beauty — is delivered into the wealthy, orderly life of his adoptive parents. Six years later, his young mother comes looking for him, having grown out of the petty, narrow-minded world she lived in when she gave birth as a teenager.《寻婴记》 Where is Pinki导演 Director:普里斯维·坎努尔 Prithvi Konanur主演 Cast:Akshatha Pandavapura, Gunjalamma, Deepak Subramanya, Sangamma, Anoop Shoonya剧情简介:宾度和吉里士看起来是一对典型的印度中产阶级情侣,他们和宾度八个月大的女儿皮尼克住在一起。某一天,当宾度在上班中途回到家里时,发现女儿皮尼克和照顾她的女佣都不见踪影。在街头巷尾焦急寻找女儿的一天里,宾度发现,她要面对的不仅仅是女儿的失踪,还有全然陌生的环境和复杂的人情社会。影片以层次分明的人物、环环相扣的叙事和无法抵御的写实影像风格切开城市不为人知的一面,人性的幽微层层剥落。Bindu and Girish are seemingly typical middle class working couple in an urban setup in India with an 8 months old baby girl PINKI. One day when Bindu returns home from her way to the office – having forgotten something – she discovers to her horror that Pinki is not home and neither is the maid Sannamma who is supposed to be taking care of Pinki. Thus begins a frantic day of search that takes her to strange places, people, situations forcing her to confront her past, present and the future.《间谍之妻》 Wife of a Spy导演 Director:黑泽清 Kiyoshi Kurosawa主演 Cast:苍井优 Yu Aoi, 高桥一生 Issey Takahashi, 东出昌大 Masahiro Higashide剧情简介:1940年的日本神户正值太平洋战争爆发前夕,福原聪子等待着丈夫福原优作归来。而在满洲里意外获悉可怕国家机密的优作此时正试图将手中的信息传递给全世界。尽管丈夫被怀疑是叛乱分子,聪子一直坚信自己心爱的丈夫,即便被指控为间谍之妻。两个人的命运将被战争时代的洪流吞噬殆尽... 延续黑泽清阴郁而敏锐的创作风格,联合《欢乐时光》滨口龙介、野原位打磨剧本,实力演员苍井优、高桥一生共同演绎这段痛苦迷离的爱情悲剧,这种悲剧性与现代社会的婚姻症结依然相通。The year is 1940 in Kobe, the night before the outbreak of World War II. Local merchant, Yusaku Fukuhara, senses that things are headed in an unsettling direction. He leaves his wife Satoko behind and travels to Manchuria. There, he coincidentally witnesses a barbarous act and is determined to bring it to light. He leaps into action. Meanwhile, Satoko is called on by her childhood friend and military policeman, Taiji Tsumori. He tells her that a woman her husband brought back from Manchuria has died. Satoko is torn by jealousy and confronts Yusaku. But when she discovers Yusaku’s true intentions, she does the unthinkable to ensure his safety and their happiness.《乌海》 Wuhai 导演 Director:周子阳 Ziyang Zhou主演 Cast:黄轩 Xuan huang, 杨子姗 Zishan yang, 涂们 Tumen, 王超北 Chaobei Wang剧情简介:杨华和苗唯是一对生活在乌海的年轻夫妇,杨华面对家境优于自己的妻子苗唯,甜蜜的同时倍感压力。杨华与朋友合伙的金融放贷公司投资失败,他自己也深陷各种债务之中。 在短短的2天之内,朋友的背叛,债主的追讨,婚姻的破裂,先后夺走了杨华的全部尊严。夜幕下的乌海成为他最后的庇护所。Hua Yang and Wei Miao form a happily married couple living in Wuhai, a small city surrounded with astonishing desert scenery in Inner Mongolia. Yet, the husband, Hua, often feels stressed over the financial differences between his and his wife’s families. He partners with his friend Yu Luo in commercial lending, but unfortunately the business fails and he becomes bogged down in debts. One day, Hua's family, friends, debts collectors, and debtors come one after another, depriving him of his last bit of dignity.金椰官方推荐纪录长片《犬与狼之间》 Between Dog and Wolf 导演 Director:伊莲妮·古铁雷斯 Irene Gutierrez剧情简介:埃斯特比塔、米格尔和阿尔贝托是古巴援助安哥拉战争中的三名前战斗人员。他们属于马埃斯特拉山脉第二代农民,从小看着父母和切·格瓦拉一起在如今种满咖啡的山区中战斗。在回国30多年后,战争的痕迹仍然在他们的生活中挥之不去。他们仍然保持着理想,意识到即便失去了精神领袖,革命工作要比以往任何时候都更加警惕。作为游击队员,他们头脑清醒,整天在丛林深处训练,执行他们的秘密行动——将自己变成以前那样与敌人战斗的士兵。这样的战争,究竟是对抗敌人,还是对抗自己?Estebita, Miguel and Alberto are three former combatants of the Cuban intervention in the Angola war (1975-1991), the longest civil war in Africa and the last armed conflict of the Cold War. They belong to the second generation of Sierra Maestra farmers who grew up watching their parents fight alongside Che Guevara in the very mountains where they grow coffee today. Now, more than three decades after their homecoming, the traces of the war still linger in their lives. Despite this, they keep their ideals intact, aware that facing the loss of their spiritual leader, the active work of the Revolution must remain more alert than ever. Lucid in their condition as guerrillas, they spend their days training in the depths of the jungle carrying out their secret ritual: to convert themselves again into the soldiers they once were to fight the enemy. Or will the end up in a fight against themselves?《古巴街头》 Epicentro 导演 Director:于贝尔·苏佩 Hubert Sauper剧情简介:这是对后殖民时代“乌托邦”古巴的一次身临其境的隐喻性描绘。1898年,缅因号在古巴的爆炸至今历历在目,这场大爆炸结束了西班牙在美洲的殖民统治,开启了美利坚帝国时代。与此同时,一个强大的征服工具诞生了:电影宣传。在这部纪录片中,导演苏佩与哈瓦那非凡的人民——尤其是被他称为“年轻先知”的哈瓦那儿童——一起探索百年以来电影是如何制造神话并以此进行国际干预,并对时间、帝国主义和电影本体进行了质询。An immersive and metaphorical portrait of postcolonial, “utopian” Cuba, where the 1898 explosion of the USS Maine still resonates. This Big Bang ended Spanish colonial dominance in the Americas and ushered in the era of the American Empire. At the same time and place, a powerful tool of conquest was born: cinema as propaganda. In EPICENTRO, Sauper explores a century of interventionism and myth-making together with the extraordinary people of Havana — particularly its children, who he calls “young prophets” — to interrogate time, imperialism and cinema itself.《最后一搏》 The Last Out 导演 Director:萨米·汗 Sami  Khan、 迈克尔·加塞特 Michael Gassert剧情简介:在1959年建立的古巴 - 美国棒球运动员输送体系背景下,影片跟踪拍摄了三位梦想离开古巴,在中转站哥斯达黎加训练并等待被美国公司签约的棒球手:“HAPPY”奥利威斯、冈萨雷斯和巴罗。他们不仅要忍受长期的背井离乡和挑剔的经纪人,还要争取在黄金年龄段结束前得到一份签约合同。然而,他们逐渐意识到,这种挑选比他们想象的残酷许多。《最后一搏》的记录跨越数年,展现了三个满怀壮志的年轻运动员在时代的洪流和多变的政治环境下,为生存和梦想不断妥协的艰难人生。Under the wing of Cuban-American sports agent Gus Dominguez—once jailed for smuggling players but back in the business—they establish residency in Costa Rica, tiringly practice, and eventually audition for scouts. Sami Khan and Michael Gassert follow slugger Happy Oliveros and hurlers Carlos Gonzalez and Victor Ernesto Baro, three players from the island with American mainland dreams. As they catch on to the reality of their situation and Dominguez realizes he doesn’t have another Chapman or Puig, the three face difficult choices about their next steps and choose radically different paths.《恋爱教程》 Lessons of Love 导演 Director:马尔戈扎塔·格里泽夫斯卡 Małgorzata Goliszewska、卡西亚·马特加 Kasia Mateja剧情简介:尤拉在69岁时终于鼓起勇气逃离了噩梦般的婚姻,然而旁人并不能理解她的痛苦,还为家暴成性的丈夫辩护。人到暮年,她却仍有一颗少女心。在开启属于自己的新生活后,她在拉丁舞课上找到了新的爱情。《恋爱教程》是一部献给所有受亲密关系困扰的女性的作品,片中充满细致入微的记录和发自肺腑的情感表达鼓励着所有年龄段的女性,无论在人生的任何阶段,都应勇敢追寻自我。Free-spirited Jola, after escaping from a marital nightmare is letting loose with her friends and finds herself thrust into a new romance at a latino dancing class. The drama evolves when the conservative powers of her generation try to justify her abusive husband. A highly cinematic and joyful journey into a woman’s battle to reinvent herself in her best age of life, when you are 69.《名侦探赛大爷》 The Mole Agent 导演 Director:梅特·阿尔贝蒂 Maite Alberdi剧情简介:为了搞清楚养老院是否在虐待老人,年过八旬的素人赛尔吉奥大爷被侦探公司聘请,住进了养老院。在三个月的行动中,赛大爷不仅掌握了高超的卧底技巧,还俘获了院里众多奶奶的芳心,成为了养老院的大明星。随着调查的深入,他发现事件远远没有当初外人设想的那么简单。在《名侦探赛大爷》中,导演巧借外来者赛尔吉奥的视角,暗中观察养老院中老人们的生活日常,并探究他们看似奇怪举止背后的辛酸故事。When a family becomes concerned about their mother’s well-being in a retirement home, private investigator Romulo hires Sergio, an 83 year-old man who becomes a new resident–and a mole inside the home, who struggles to balance his assignment with becoming increasingly involved in the lives of several residents. 《画家与贼》 The Painter and the Thief导演 Director:本亚明·雷 Benjamin Ree剧情简介:故事发生在挪威:在得知自己的两幅画作被盗走后,捷克艺术家芭波拉急切地想知道画作的下落和被偷走的原因。在法庭上,她与其中一个偷画贼见面交谈,并做出了一个惊人的决定:为这个小偷画一副肖像画。随着交流的深入,两个本没有交集的人发展出了一段看似不可能的亲密友谊。两个孤独的灵魂碰撞在一起,彼此的阴暗面被看见和理解,互相认可、接纳、照顾和救赎。Desperate for answers about the theft of her 2 paintings, a Czech artist seeks out and befriends the career criminal who stole them. After inviting her thief to sit for a portrait, the two form an improbable relationship and an inextricable bond that will forever link these lonely souls.火星旅行梦 Wake Up On Mars 导演 Director:迪亚·吉诺夫奇 Dea Gjinovci剧情简介:在瑞典居住的一个科索沃家庭屡次申请避难被拒绝后,两个女儿因为战争创伤而患上“放弃求生综合症”,陷入了长期的昏迷。家中最小的儿子福尔坎面对此般情景,把大自然当成想象的宇宙,用废品开始建造自己的太空飞船。《火星旅行梦》是一部交织着希望和温暖的纪录片。导演将镜头对准底层难民家庭,在困境中诉说着对未来的希望和信仰。In Sweden, a Kosovan family’s request for asylum meets with rejection. What ensues is trauma for the two daughters, victims of “resignation syndrome” which results in a long coma. In the face of this atrocity, Furkan, 10 years old and the youngest in the family, demonstrates uncanny resilience and starts building a space craft as a horizon looking towards all possible futures. At the core of this film lies this one question: “What happens to human beings, and in particular children, when all hope is gone?”《六人:泰坦尼克号上的中国幸存者》 The Six 导演 Director:亚瑟·琼斯 Arthur Jones剧情简介:世界著名的泰坦尼克号沉船事件中,大约有700名乘客和船员幸存。大多数人的故事被记录下来,有的还被改编成了文学或影视作品。然而,有一部分故事和船一起沉入了海底,那就是在船上八名中国乘客的故事。其中,共有六人在灾难中幸存了下来。影片跟随社会调查学家施万克及其团队的脚步,一步步揭开这六名乘客的神秘面纱。在重现他们身份的同时,人们对于中国早期移民工人的认知也正在被重塑。Around 700 passengers and crew survived Titanic. Their stories are well recorded, but one story is missing. There were eight Chinese passengers on board. Six survived the disaster, before disappearing into history. Do you have a personal connection to them? You may have heard rumours about a family link to Titanic. Share with us what you know, and help us tell their story.金椰官方推荐剧情短片《无事发生》 A Small Change 导演 Director:葛瑶 Yao Ge剧情简介:深夜,一对亚裔父子游荡在美国洛杉矶街头。两个人衣衫不整、饥肠辘辘。父亲手里攥着一张假钞,他想用这笔“钱”给儿子骗来一顿晚饭。可当他们遇到要打烊的热狗小贩时,一边是辛苦工作的劳动者,另一边是肚子咕咕叫的儿子,父亲在这晚面临了一个道德选择。以简洁而细腻的方式刻画了一位爱子心切、又不得不犯错的父亲形象。所幸一切困境,都被善意化解,无事发生。On the street of Los Angeles, Frank finds his way to spend the only counterfeit bill in hand to buy his son a hotdog. In a concise way, the short film depicts the image of a father who loves his son so much that he has to face a moral dilemma. Fortunately, all difficulties are resolved in kindness from people's hearts.《再见天堂》 The Heavens导演 Director:曼努埃尔·马里尼 Manuel Marini主演 Cast:Celeste Casciaro, Salvatore Della, Villa Anna剧情简介:露西亚和她的兄弟多纳托在当地拥有一个家庭经营的橄榄树果园,但由于寄生虫,她的多数橄榄树都干枯了,不再结果。但她并不愿意放弃这片果园。在艰难接受事实的过程中,露西亚踏上了在过去与现在之间不断穿梭的旅行。从海滩到月夜,从郁郁葱葱的橄榄园,到巨大的榨油机器中间,时间和环境交叠产生的线索,最终带她回到家中,面对自己内心深处的冲突与伤痛。Li Paradisi is the name of the family olive grove, once rich in olives and today infested by a parasite that has made the harvest poor. On a journey between present and past, Lucia, owner of the land together with her brother Donato, will have to make a decision where the future of her family and perhaps that of her land is at stake.《拾枪惊魂》 Safe 导演 Director:吉列尔莫·阿尔奈兹·伊勒斯卡斯 Guillermo Arnaiz Illescas剧情简介:詹姆斯是一个平平无奇的男生。有一天他捡到一把手枪。从那一刻开始,对暴力和危险的惊惧就开始包围他。他不再能好好生活。当他手拿武器,面对真正危险的时候,他真的能行使保护自己和他人的权利吗?James is an ordinary boy. One day he finds a pistol. From that moment on, fear of violence and danger surrounds him. He can no longer live well. Can he exercise his right to protect himself and others in the face of real danger with a weapon in his hand? What happens when the item created for your safety becomes your worst nightmare?《马俐连梦录》 Mary, Mary So Contrary导演 Director:杨国瑞 Nelson Yeo剧情简介:本片对两部经典电影中的画面进行重新剪辑处理,并混合了自己以往作品中的镜头,用机器声音的叙述,带领观众走进一个全新的故事。故事中,一个名叫马俐的中国女人,被陷在一场不幸的婚姻里。她梦见自己逃出了婚姻,变成一个叫玛丽的白种女人。导演用新的叙事,赋予了来自经典和个人的画面不同的意义。Repurposing and manipulating footage from two classic films and the filmmaker’s own personal footage, MARY, MARY SO CONTRARY weaves together a phantasmagoric narrative about a Chinese woman named Li Ma who dreams that she is a Caucasian woman named Mary.《思凡》 The River Will Carry Them 导演 Director:张可意 Keyi Zhang剧情简介:山林的地图上,标记了一条并不存在的河流,除了勘探队员阿斌和厨娘小曼,没有人相信它的存在。阿斌和小曼一样,都和集体格格不入,他们自身的秘密,像“不存在”的神秘河流一样,被掩藏在日常生活里。小曼一直留在驻扎地,等待一个不会再出现的人。阿斌的梦境里,流水带着轶失的爱情,碎片式地回还。阿斌在试图寻找河水踪迹的时候,河流带他和小曼走近对方的秘密。他也沿着河流,逐渐找到了消逝的爱人。The geological explorer Bin found a "non-existent" river in the mountains, which guides him gradually to find his lover who had died in the past. And Man, the chef who has always been staying in the station, is the only person like him. After helping Man escape from the harassment of his teammates, Bin is finally able to "meet" with his lover.《香口胶》 Gum 导演 Director:路易斯·德·索萨 Louis De Sousa主演 Cast:Zoé Lejeune, Jan Debski, Elias Vandenbroucke, Théo Rasquin, Raphaël Daem剧情简介:在什么样的情况下,你会拒绝对陌生人伸出援手?本片中,四男一女五个陌生人共乘一辆车。香口胶是他们相互认识时表示友善的小礼物。在高速公路途中,其中一人生病呕吐。在女人坚持要求为他停车的时候,即使对他抱有一丝同情,三个男人也分别道出了不能减速的理由。本片采用1.33:1画幅的黑白摄影强调了戏剧化的影像风格,以高速的表演节奏、意想不到的反转相互作用,为观众带来一部黑色幽默寓言小品。Five strangers carpool together. On the highway, one of them become sick and asks to stop. The others would like to help him but the circumstances make them not slow down.《水怪》 Vestiges, the Mystery of La Ciénaga Dam 导演 Director:瓦伦丁·阿尔瓦雷斯·萨伯雷特 Valentin Alvarez Sabouret、古斯塔沃·科雷亚 Gustavo Correia主演 Cast:Daniel Hipolito Fernandez, Fermin Salgado Prieto剧情简介:故事发生在阿根廷北部,一个乌云密布的早晨,罗伯托带着儿子桑蒂去湖上钓鱼。这里有着天堂般的风景,但在湖泊深处,却隐藏着不为人知的危险。湖面随着微风波动,周围一切都很安静。一条船上的父子,鲜少交流。当某个神秘生物从湖水深处靠近时,父子俩的生命都处于危险之中......Roberto takes his son Santi on a fishing trip to a dam. A quiet night is suddenly interrupted when Santi's fishhook gets snapped and a supernatural strength immediately drags him into the deep dark water of the dam. Roberto jumps in the water and tries to rescue his son, but it might be too late for him.《空巢》 The Compartment 导演 Director:穆罕默德·塔莱比 Mohammad Talebi主演 Cast:Daniel Hipolito Fernandez, Fermin Salgado Prieto剧情简介:本片聚焦一位有着听力障碍的老人身上。有一天,他的子女决定送他去旅行。在广播里捕捉到的空巢老人的故事碎片,令他联想到自己,格外担忧。戴上助听器,他能听到子女奔忙的声音,但他的沉默、年纪和身体状况将他排除在家庭之外。摘掉助听器,他切断了和世界之间的声音联系,眼前的画面几乎佐证他的猜想。但直到他踏上远行的列车,拉开车厢的时刻,真正的故事才完全显露。本片以现实主义的风格,细腻地捕捉与刻画了一位孤独老人的生活与心理细节。“空巢”不仅是他内心的恐惧,也是整个社会常常忽视的病灶。The film focuses on an elderly man with hearing impairment. One day, his children decided to take him on a trip. He captures an empty nester's story on the radio, and starts to think of himself. He is worried. His children make him worried more over the time. However, the story turns out different when he aboards the train. 《家庭作业》 Homework 导演 Director:李泽鑫 Zexin Li主演 Cast:张红文 Hongwen zhang, 李泽惠 Zehui li, 李明 Ming li剧情简介:在母亲节这天,母亲在替女儿完成家庭作业,女儿为母亲准备了小惊喜,父亲在餐桌上侃侃而谈未来市场走向——对母亲来说,母亲节其实和每一天没有什么不同,所谓惊喜也只是转瞬即逝。母亲简单做了几个菜,等着全家落座。构成本片的唯一一个固定镜头,长久地停留在她的身上。她疲惫、枯燥、和被家人忽视的日常生活,得以精确地反映在流逝的时间之中。It’s already May, and the days have been gloomy and cold, albeit shedding no rain. The daughter, Hui, plans to surprise her mother with a gift on the Mother’s Day. Coincidentally enough, the father’s hopeful analysis of the future market in front of the dinner table also comes as a much welcomed surprise to the whole family. For the mother though, the Mother’s Day is not any different from any other day, and surprises, pleasant as they are, only last for so long. She cooks a humble meal, and waits patiently for the family to take seats. Then rain pours down from heaven, and thunder grumbles with little break in between. It’s about to get warmer afterwards. It should.《长河落日》 In the Dusk导演 Director:卓澜 Lan Zhuo主演 Cast:唐古拉·宝日夫 Tangad Borkhuu, 白力嘎 Bayalag, 宝音尼木胡 Baoyin Nimuhu剧情简介:内蒙古草原深处,一位白发苍苍的老奶奶寻找着一匹小马。她叫萨仁,是一位人们口中的“萨满”,为当地人行医治病。她深深地坚信自己死去的孙子的灵魂幻化为了一匹小马,迷失在草原上。然而自己身边的亲人都不相信这一“迷信”的说法,她的儿子更是沉浸在丧子之痛中,只希望让事情早点过去,不希望自己的母亲这样折腾。为了确保自己孙儿的灵魂不会孤单,萨仁独自一人来到城市、踏遍草原,只为找到那匹孙儿灵魂转世幻化成的小马。A Mongolian shaman grandmother is convinced that her dead grandson has been reincarnated as a horse. Worried that her grandson's soul would be too lonely, she set out to find the horse. Even if no one understands her, she believes her grandson can hear her. At sunset, she meets the soul of her grandson by the river.《河的沉默》 The Silence of the River 导演 Director:弗兰斯卡·卡内帕 Francesca Canepa主演 Cast:Wilson Isminio Cruz, Roover Mesia, Luis Mesia剧情简介:秘鲁男孩胡安9岁了。他和父亲两个人,住在亚马逊河流上漂浮的房屋里。他的父亲曾经是一个讲故事的人,但现在他不说话了。他以睡眠来抵御白天,用夜色来掩藏秘密。他讲的故事消失了,但是叙事的碎片掉落在胡安的梦境里。胡安沿着夜色,穿过亚马逊河流两岸的丛林,跟着父亲的声音,寻找他的踪迹。在这里,自然、性别、真理和所有事物相互交织,一步步向观众揭开胡安父亲的身份之谜。Juan, a 9 year-old Peruvian boy, lives with his silent dad in a floating house on the breathtaking Amazon River. This idyllic background sets an allegorical journey into the rainforest jungle, where nature, gender, truth and all things begin to reveal the identity his dad.《我很好,你呢?》 GOOD THANKS, YOU? 导演 Director:莫莉·曼宁·沃克 Molly Manning Walker主演 Cast:Jasmine Jobson, Micheal Ward, T’Nia Miller剧情简介:在遭遇一次袭击之后,艾米陷入了无能为力的漩涡中。面对生活中的两场诘问,她像是失去了语言,只能以沉默相对。身处恋爱关系中的她,开始排斥与男友亲密接触,怀疑诉说真相之后的后果。她向权威机构不断申诉,却无法得到能支持她的答案。她必须找到一种方法来面对已经发生的事情,以保存对她来说最重要的东西。本片通过对两条叙事线的交叉剪辑,以含蓄的手法揭示了真相,也在不同场景层层推进的诘问中,将艾米难以开口的徘徊和苦楚化为观众的切肤之痛,引发当今社会对女性境遇的反思。In the aftermath of an attack, Amy is left voiceless, trapped in a whirlwind of incompetence. She must find a way to confront what has happened, in order to save what matters to her most.
